Piano Recital
Dates 2024-2025

Winter Recitals - Friday, December 13th, 2024  6:00 and 7:30pm

Our Winter recital is more relaxed. We are in the atrium room and we have cocoa and cookies while the students perform. A great way to start the Christmas season!

Spring Recitals - Friday, May 16th, 2025   5:00 and 6:30pm

Our Spring Recital is our end of the year formal recital. Students choose pictures or videos to match their music and those are shown on the big screens while the student performs. Awards and trophies for the year's accomplishments will be handed out at this event.

Recitals are held at Calvary Church, 2120 N Lexington Avenue in Roseville

(You can choose the recital time that works best for your family)